Supporting all schools in Southwark

The Nest's School Engagement Team offers free support for young people, parents/carers and teachers in Southwark's schools. Find out how to reach out below.

Supporting young people, parents/carers and teachers in all of Southwark's schools

The School Engagement Team works in primary, secondary and specialist schools in Southwark borough, offering a variety of support for young people, parents/carers and teachers. Our main focus is to; raise awareness around mental health and wellbeing, support with school transitions, and offer support to those identified as at-risk of exclusion.

What we offer for young people

Workshops and assemblies

Our whole class workshops and assemblies raise awareness on different topics relating to mental health, which you can find listed below. We also tailor-make workshops that cater specifically to the unique needs and interests of the young people in your school, ensuring a personalised and impactful experience.

Targeted group support

Up to 8 young people will be selected to take part in group sessions once a week for 6-8 weeks. The sessions are specially designed around a mixture of the identified needs of young people and an initial assessment of the young people, a school referral and parental consent.

Topics we deliver include

Our workshops consist of icebreakers, interactive games and lots of knowledge to educate your pupils on Mental Health and Wellbeing. Please find below all the topics that we deliver in our workshops and targeted groups.

Mental Health 101



Self Care

Healthy Friendships

Body Image and Self Esteem


Difference and Diversity


Stigma and Mental Health

Our Mental Health Online

Misogyny and Toxic Masculinity

What we offer for parents/carers

Workshops designed for parents/carers

We recognise the importance of engaging parents and carers in schools and can offer workshops for parents around various mental health and wellbeing topics.

Topics we deliver include

Our parent and carer workshops and coffee mornings provide knowledge around supporting their young people and encourage parent participation. This is a safe space for them to access support, advice and socialise with other parents. Please find below the topics we offer to steer the coffee mornings and workshops.

Supporting young people with Mental Health

Trauma informed practice

Self Care

Creating a safe environment

Wellbeing targeted group training

Supporting Neurodivergent students

What we offer for teachers and staff

Training sessions

We also offer training sessions for school staff on emerging mental health challenges among pupils, so they can feel confident in offering the appropriate support and advice.

Topics we deliver include

Our staff training and workshops are interactive and supportive spaces which allow time for knowledge sharing and reflection. Please find below all the topics we can offer your staff body.

Supporting your child with transitions

Coffee morning/engagement with local services

Supporting your child with Mental Health

Self Care

Interested? Reach out today!

School Engagement Team Manager, Connie Placito is happy to talk to you about the support The Nest can offer your school. Assemblies, workshops and targeted groups can be planned bespoke to the needs of your students, parents/carers, and staff. Please email Connie to discuss what The Nest can do for you and book your support sessions.